Submit feature films, short films, short screenplays and smartphone photos that tell a story in one frame.
The International Mobile Film Festival has several new competitions in its 12th edition 2023.
Those are listed on our Rules page and include a short narrative film screenplay competition (4-8 pages) and a Smartphone Photo contest which challenges you to submit photos that tell a story with one frame, a photo. The photography contest is similar to what you would expect a photo contest to be but adds the story element to your photography using any smartphone camera.
Feature Films remain as they have been, narrative (40-120 minutes). However, new in 2023, for the first time since 2013, the length of a short film, with the exception of The Rookie Award (1-5 minutes), has changed.
The short film competition is now accepting films 3-10 minutes in length!
Submit on Film Freeway today.
Easy to read details for categories, the rules and more!